Title IX Process Flowchart (continued) The Hearing Officer will prepare a written determination (“Hearing Panel Decision”) and deliver it to the Title IX Coordinator within five (5) business days of the end of deliberations. The Title IX Coordinator will …
Investigator meets with IP, RP, and witnesses separately and collects evidence through interviews and review of documentation and/or materials. Informal resolution may be considered at any point prior to the hearing. Under limited circumstances a party may appeal the finding and/or sanction.
Offer supportive measures, explain how to file a formal complaint, and explain grievance process. Title IX Investigator ‐ Update Title IX Investigative Report for parties involved based on live hearing transcript(s) with 10 college business days for review.
Decision-maker issues written determination simultaneously to parties. Appeal Procedural irregularity; new evidence that could affect the outcome; Title IX or decision-makers have conflict-of-interest.
The investigator writes a report communicating the process and procedure used, the information gathered, an analysis of the information, and whether the allegations have been substantiated.
1Complainant is presented with supportive measures, resources, right to ile a complaint, right to an advisor, and resolution options. Resolutions can include taking no action, supportive …
Title IX Coordinator will determine if the evidence meets the preponderance standard, which finds the event was more likely than not to have happened. Notification of Outcome The parties involved will be notified of the outcome of the investigation. If investigator determines policy was violated, matter will be referred for disciplinary action.
Determination based on preponderance of evidence. Determination of sanctions/remedies. Does the behavior fall under umbrella of Institutional Equity? 1. Rights. 2. Resources. 3. Options. * A formal complaint is filed by the Title IX Coordinator for a Formal Resolution process.
Office of Equity & Title IX. Search for: Show navigation Hide navigation. About Us; Making a Report; Support; Connections; Policies & Resources; Education & Prevention; News & Updates; Annual Reports; Contact Us; Process Flowcharts. Flow Chart Title IX Process. Flow Chart Equity Process. Location and Maps Campus Calendar. Jobs. Help Central ...