60 essential guitar chords which will make you sound amazing. The secret to learning chords quickly. 2 quick and easy tips which will help you read a guitar chord chart.
This chart consists of 144 of the most common guitar chords in all 12 musical keys. It's a great reference you can use to find chords by name fast. Follow these links for further information on guitar chords. Beginners guide to playing chords How to read chord charts Learn how to build chords Beginner guitar chords
Playing an A chord on guitar is relatively straightforward (compared to some other chords, such as F), but it still presents a big challenge to the absolute guitar beginner.
Beginners Guitar Chords (continued) The roots (lowest black diamonds) of these barre chord voicings can be aligned to any fret- line to produce the desired letter named chord.
The chart gives an overview over some often used chords in the most common played keys. The guitar chart is printable with adjusted width to fit on an A4 paper for printers with 72 or higher dpi. For pdf, see The Chord Chart ebook with over 500 chord diagrams .