Logon - LACES - Genius Learning
This site is proprietary and confidential. Only authorized users are permitted to sign into this site.
Logon - LACES - Genius Learning
Enter the Account that you use to log into your single sign-on (SSO) provider. LACES will redirect you to your SSO provider for secure login.
Signing into LACES NexGen - Genius Learning
There is a single, secure URL for signing in to LACES NexGen, even for users with access to multiple agencies. LACES NexGen URL: https://laces.literacypro.com/laces The URL can be bookmarked for quick access.
LACES - Genius Learning
This site is proprietary and confidential. Only authorized users are permitted to sign into this site.
Logon - LACES
This site is proprietary and confidential. Only authorized users are permitted to sign into this site.
Getting Started - Genius Learning
LACES NexGen (Literacy, Adult, and Community Education System) is online student data management software designed for providers of Adult Basic Education (ABE), volunteer literacy, and correctional education. With LACES NexGen, you are able to track everyone associated with your ABE/GED/ESL programs, including students, classes, and staff.
LACES - Genius Learning
If you have locked your Account, you will need to reset your Password.Enter your Account Name and press "Send". You will receive an email with further instructions.
Student Detail Record - Genius Learning
Unless a student was entered into LACES NexGen twice accidently, there should never be a need to delete a student record. Students who left your program in the past may return.
Class Reports - Genius Learning
Once you have determined the selection of records for reporting, open the Report Manager from the toolbar by clicking Reports and selecting the report you wish to run. Reports can be run as PDF or Excel files and printed, or saved to your computer.