Flea beetles | UMN Extension
Adult flea beetles become active in early spring. Depending on the species, females lay single or clusters of eggs in small holes, in roots, soil, or leaves of many vegetables as well as occasionally on flowers and ornamental shrubs and trees. Small white larvae hatch from eggs and feed on the roots of the newly planted seedlings.
Flea beetle - Wikipedia
Adult flea beetles feed externally on plants, eating the surface of the leaves, stems and petals. Under heavy feeding the small round holes caused by an individual flea beetle's feeding may coalesce into larger areas of damage. Some flea beetle larvae (e.g. …
How to Identify and Get Rid of Flea Beetles - The Old Farmer's …
Aug 1, 2024 · Eggs are laid at the base of plant stems in early summer after the spring feeding period, and larvae feed at the roots. Adult beetles feed on foliage, producing “shotholes” in the leaves. Look out for these holes, especially on young seedlings, where damage is most rapid and will cause the most harm.
Flea beetles - Agricultural Biology
The appearance of larvae depends on the life history of the species; larvae that feed on roots are small, pale, and worm-like with a brown head capsule, while those that feed on foliage are black or gray and have small legs.
How to Prevent and Get Rid of Flea Beetles - The Spruce
May 24, 2023 · Examples that eat the larvae of flea beetles are braconid wasps (Microctonus vittatae) and tachinid flies (Tachinidae family). If you are confident that you can identify a flea beetle by looking at it, then sticky traps are also effective.
Flea Beetles - Purdue University
Flea beetles lay their eggs on plants or in soil around the base of plants. The tiny larvae feed on the roots of the plant, doing only minor damage to edible crops. Generally, flea beetles are not difficult to control, but often they will have already seriously injured crops before they are detected or the extent of damage is realized.
Flea Beetles | USU
Flea beetles overwinter as adults in protected areas under soil clods, plant debris, and weeds. They emerge from overwintering sites in mid to late spring, and mated females lay eggs in the soil at the base of host plants. Larvae feed on belowground portions of the plant.
Young stages (larvae) of most flea beetles feed on the roots but some develop chewing leaves. Young plants and seedlings are particularly susceptible to flea beetle damage. Growth may be seriously retarded and in severe infestations plants can be killed.
Leap into Learning: Flea Beetles - UF/IFAS Extension Sarasota …
Feb 27, 2024 · Like other beetles, flea beetles are holometabolous. This means that they have four distinct life stages, akin to butterflies. These stages include the egg, larva, pupa, and adult. Female flea beetles will often lay their eggs directly on plants or in the surrounding soil.
Flea Beetles - Integrated Pest Management | UI Extension
Immature flea beetles (larvae) are small, and have a white or slightly clear body, brown head and worm-like appearance (Figure 3). Larvae are soil-dwelling and pupate in the soil as well.