Battle of Franklin - Wikipedia
The Battle of Franklin was fought on November 30, 1864, in Franklin, Tennessee, as part of the Franklin–Nashville Campaign of the American Civil War. It was one of the worst disasters of …
Franklin Battle Facts and Summary - American Battlefield Trust
The Battle of Franklin decimates the Army of Tennessee. Around 8,500 men become casualties on both sides, roughly 6,000 of them Confederates. Fourteen Southern commanders become …
10 Facts: The Battle of Franklin - American Battlefield Trust
Learn more about the Battle of Franklin, one of the fiercest battles of the Civil War. Our Ten Facts page will help expand your appreciation for this 1864 battle in Tennessee. Fact #1: John Bell …
Battle of Franklin
The Battle of Franklin was one of the bloodiest battles of America’s Civil War. More than 150 years later the stories of both despair and heroism have been carefully preserved and shared …
The Battle of Franklin — The Battle of Franklin Trust
The Battle of Franklin was one of the last great battles of the American Civil War. Fate and circumstance placed the small town of Franklin in the path of two great armies in late …
The Battle of Franklin Trust
The Battle of Franklin Trust is dedicated to a better understanding of a people forever impacted by the American Civil War.
Battle of Franklin (1864) - PureHistory
The Battle of Franklin was fought on November 30, 1864, at Franklin, Tennessee, as part of the Franklin-Nashville Campaign of the American Civil War. It was one of the worst disasters of …
Battle of Franklin, Tennessee | November 30, 1864 - HISTORY
Nov 13, 2009 · On November 30, 1864, the once proud Confederate Army of Tennessee suffers a devastating defeat after its commander, General John Bell Hood, orders a frontal assault on …
Franklin Article - American Battlefield Trust
The Battle of Franklin decimated the Army of Tennessee. Around ten thousand men became casualties on both sides, roughly seven thousand of them Confederates. Fourteen Southern …
The Battle of Franklin and beginning of the end for the Army of ...
Sep 20, 2023 · Ordering a controversial frontal assault near dusk on November 30th, Hoods troops advanced across two miles of open fields towards the Union army’s strong defensive …