The 2023 documentary, directed by Karim Ali, follows young jockeys chosen to compete in the Zalaga race—the oldest camel race ...
Some of the major challenges facing the economy this year is paying the liabilities ranging between USD 27-28 billion, he said, noting that Cairo paid some USD 30 billion in 2024. Egypt hopes that the ...
The tentatively named Ben-Gurion Canal will traverse the Negev Desert and the south end of the Gulf of Aqaba and connect the Red Sea to the Mediterranean.
A Holocaust denier and unrepentant extremist on race and immigration, the far-right politician has died at 96.
Someone at the Met should have been giving flu shots (before RFK Junior makes them illegal), because something is obviously ...
Egypt is expected to receive a $1.2 billion disbursement from the International Monetary Fund this month as part of an $8 ...
Political officials in Jerusalem have voiced concern over Egypt’s unprecedented military buildup, including the construction of tunnels and bridges over the Suez Canal. These developments, they warn, ...
Egypt is set to receive a $1.2 billion disbursement from the IMF as part of an $8 billion program. The agreement follows high inflation and currency shortages, aggravated by a decline in Suez Canal ...
Egypt is expected to receive a $1.2 billion disbursement from the International Monetary Fund this month as part of an $8 ...
Egyptian President Sadat and Israeli Prime Minister Begin were jointly awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in recognition of the ...
The proposed route map for the canal includes the central Gaza Strip. It will start in Gaza and join the Gulf of Aqaba.