Lorna Staines discusses a longitudinal population-based study examining the risks of using psychedelics in a naturalistic ...
Nicola is an associate professor of mental health nursing in a joint role between Northumbria University and Cumbria, ...
Crisis Cafés are a novel form of community-based crisis alternative and this interview study provides the first evidence on ...
Eating disorders (EDs) are highly common in Western countries, with recent reports from US data suggesting that, by the age of 40, 1 in 5 women and 1 in 7 men will experience some type of ED (Ward et ...
Jessica Griffiths is a mental health researcher at King’s College London, where she has worked since 2022 following the completion of her doctorate in Clinical Psychology at University College London.
Una Foye is mental health researcher, who has worked at King’s since early 2019. She completed her PhD at Ulster University exploring the role of emotional intelligence when understanding eating ...
Inpatient mental health services are meant to provide safe places for people experiencing mental health difficulties to receive support and recover, but for many, the reality is far from this ideal.