Amid these economic opportunities and underlying tax challenges, generative AI is reshaping Africa’s digital landscape, boosting productivity and business performance. A study supported by Alphabet, ...
In a statement shared on its official LinkedIn page, Ivorian financial group NSIA clarified that 'no account has been opened in the name or on behalf of the Commander of the Benin Republican Guard ...
The mechanism created in 1997 increases the debt payment burden. It is heavily criticized by economists and developing countries. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) is preparing to ease the ...
This positive momentum does not hide the challenges Côte d'Ivoire faces. High public spending, especially on infrastructure and security, still strains the budget. The frequent issuance of short-term ...
(Ecofin Agency) - With shrinking safety margins, greater exposure to sovereign risks, and declining profitability, the West African banking group is in an increasingly difficult position. Without ...