HC Davos is slowly but surely slipping into a crisis. After four defeats before Christmas, the HCD loses 0:3 at home against ...
Fribourg-Gottéron also has a successful start to the new calendar year after winning the Spengler Cup. It wins 4-2 at home against the Swiss champions ZSC Lions.
Sur leur glace, les Fribourgeois ont pris la main lors d’un premier tiers de rêve. Ils l’ont remporté 3-0 grâce à des ...
Il Davos si è dovuto inchinare in casa per 3-0 all’Ajoie, incassando così la quinta sconfitta consecutiva in NL come non ...
Mike Johnson è stato rieletto presidente della Camera dei rappresentanti statunitense (speaker) al primo voto, ma con un ...