The Independent reports that a trench containing human and animal remains has been excavated at the site of a British field ...
It didn’t rain frequently in ancient Egypt, but when it did, says Sapienza University of Rome archaeologist Aneta Skalec, it could come down so violently that it led to legal quarrels between ...
DERRY, NORTHERN IRELAND—According to a report in The Belfast Telegraph, an excavation conducted in what is now the center of Derry uncovered city walls constructed between 1613 and 1619.
While digging beneath the transept of Paris’ Notre Dame Cathedral, archaeologists from the French National Institute of Preventive Archaeological Research (INRAP) recovered two lead sarcophagi.
At its height in the seventh century b.c., the Neo-Assyrian Empire stretched west to east from Egypt to Elam, a kingdom in southern Iran, and from Iraq in the south to the northern reaches of the ...
When you were a child, you probably had toys such as plastic or porcelain dolls and plush, furry animals that may have included mythical beings such as unicorns. You may have created skits in ...
GERSTETTEN, GERMANY—According to a report in The Independent, a 1,700-year-old grave was discovered in southern Germany during a construction project. The grave contained the remains of a 60 ...
LUND, SWEDEN—According to a report, Mikael Fauvelle of Lund University and his colleagues suggest that Scandinavia’s hunter-gatherers belonging to what is known as the Pitted Ware ...
HATALOV, SLOVAKIA—The Slovak Spectator reports that a 5,000-year-old skeleton has been unearthed in eastern Slovakia by researchers from the Slovak Academy of Sciences and the Polish Academy of ...
SIEM REAP, CAMBODIA—According to a Xinhua report, a sandstone door guardian statue, or Dvarapala, has been uncovered near the second gate at the Banteay Prei temple in northwestern Cambodia’s ...
COUNTY DURHAM, ENGLAND—According to a statement released by Durham University, a team of researchers led by archaeologist Chris Gerrard of Durham University has investigated the site of Auckland ...