There's Nothing Quite Like It for Summer Wear, as Taiwan's 50-fold Increase in 15 Years Seem to Attest, but Producers Are Aware They Must Modernize to Compete With the Synthetics In 1949, Taiwan had ...
According to the latest statistics compiled by the Overseas Affairs Commission, there are over 13 million Chinese residing abroad. In terms of geographical areas, the largest number of them, a total ...
Chinese painting, closely related to Chinese calligraphy and poetry, is one of the most important manifestations of Chinese cultural life and ideas. Pictorial art can be traced back to the age of ...
In the free-for-all warfare of ancient times, warriors were expected to plunder. To the victor belonged the spoils. Those who defeated the Chinese usually rode off with gold, silver, precious and semi ...
The tendency to blame the non-inclusion of China among the invitees to the San Francisco Peace Conference on other than ourselves leaves part of the picture unpainted. To put the whole responsibility ...
In the past decades many books have been written on China by foreign correspondents and writers who attempted to give their readers an accurate picture of the exact situation in this country. While ...
During the five years that I have repre­sented my country in the United Nations. I have seen much happen both inside and outside of the United Nations. The principal trend in all these crowded events ...
On February 10, 1954, the official Communist Peiping People's Daily disclosed in its editorial that at least 10 per cent of the Chinese rural population would be short of food this year. According to ...
I am deeply grateful to my respected friend, Dr. Chu Chia-hua, for this opportunity of addressing this distinguished gathering under the sponsorship of the Chinese Association for the United Nations.
The question of relations between the executive and the legislative branches of government is a most complicated one. This study is concerned only with a few major practical problems which have made ...
Despite urban trends to Western-style marriage of white gown and veil, China remains a land of colorful wedding customs almost as numerous as its many racial stocks, The range is from the high church ...
Taiwan was under Japanese rule from 1895 to 1945. During those fifty years Japan did much to develop Taiwan's agriculture, industry communications and education. But so far as education is concerned ...