Tracking the latest cultural, economic, political and social developments from around the nation ...
Mao Tse-tung apparently has fallen prey to his megalomaniacal obsessions. The creator of the Peiping regime, who has mass­-produced every kind of misery and disaster on the Chinese mainland, now is ...
Two-young men who, by ordinary reasoning, should have remained faithful Communist cadres, recently dealt a stunning blow to world Communism in general and Maoism in particular. Both had been ...
Cho made the remarks during a briefing by the National Development Council on its project to enhance national talent competitiveness. The initiative aims to cultivate 450,000 professionals in the ...
There's Nothing Quite Like It for Summer Wear, as Taiwan's 50-fold Increase in 15 Years Seem to Attest, but Producers Are Aware They Must Modernize to Compete With the Synthetics In 1949, Taiwan had ...
Ranges That Run the Length of Taiwan Divide East From West But Also Confer Many Benefits: Vast Forests, Valuable Watershed and A Spectacular Attraction for Tourists and the Alpinists of Asia Taiwan is ...
Chinese painting, closely related to Chinese calligraphy and poetry, is one of the most important manifestations of Chinese cultural life and ideas. Pictorial art can be traced back to the age of ...
The 156 industrial projects form the main part of the five-year plan of the Peiping Communist regime. In his report to the "Cen­tral People's Government" council held in mid­-September, 1953, Li ...
September 28 is a national holiday in Free China. Schools, banks and government offices are closed. At seven o'clock in the morning, a group of solemn gentlemen, in the Chinese full dress of long gown ...
According to the latest statistics compiled by the Overseas Affairs Commission, there are over 13 million Chinese residing abroad. In terms of geographical areas, the largest number of them, a total ...
In the free-for-all warfare of ancient times, warriors were expected to plunder. To the victor belonged the spoils. Those who defeated the Chinese usually rode off with gold, silver, precious and semi ...
The tendency to blame the non-inclusion of China among the invitees to the San Francisco Peace Conference on other than ourselves leaves part of the picture unpainted. To put the whole responsibility ...