Aclarar qué es cada cosa que has capturado y decidir que vas a hacer con ella es lo que te permite transformar el caos, una bandeja de entrada llena de cosas indefinidas, por la tranquilidad, un ...
El objetivo final de la autogestión es capacitarnos para lograr la vida que queremos. O, dicho de otra forma, aumentar mucho las posibilidades de tener una vida feliz. 3 formas de aprender a ...
A very important issue in any company is deciding when to invest in improving existing products and services and when to invest in researching new possibilities 1. How many companies have been ruined ...
Principles and rules can be understood in different ways, so in this article I will refer to principles as “fundamental ideas that govern someone’s thought or behavior”, and to rules as “that which ...
Mindfulness can often feel like a buzzword nowadays. You’ll often find it suggested when you’re trying to reduce stress or anxiety, practice self-care, or even include it as a part of your daily ...
Behaviors, situations, and environmental elements that make us waste our valuable time are usually called time thieves. External time thieves are those that come from outside and we cannot prevent ...
Dwight D. Eisenhower, thirty-fourth president of the U.S., thought that we should devote attention and time to our activities in accordance with their importance and urgency. He said, rightly, that we ...
Stoics recommended walking as a form of mental training to connect with the unconscious. Buddhists recommend walking for a higher, happier and healthier life. Many of the most brilliant minds ...
Every time you are learning something new, developing a new habit or running a big project, there are always moments in which thoughts invade your mind. It looks like you don’t move on, you don’t feel ...
WYSIATI is the acronym for de What you see is all there is, a cognitive bias described by Daniel Kahneman in his book Thinking, fast and slow, which explains how irrational we are when making ...
"The biggest challenge is to stay focused. It's to have the discipline when there are so many competing things." ~ Alexa Hirschfeld Productivity is not a question of how much time a day you spend ...
Jason Fried says in his book Rework that in Basecamp, company in which he is co-founder and CEO, one of the abilities that they are interested in when hiring people is their writing ability, no matter ...