President António Costa paid a visit to Warsaw where he met Prime MInister Donald Tusk and delivered a speech at the Opening Gala of the Polish Presidency of the Council of the EU.
Today, the first-ever bilateral framework agreement between the EU and its member states and Japan, the Strategic Partnership Agreement (SPA), enters into force. This milestone agreement will guide ...
We use cookies in order to ensure that you can get the best browsing experience possible on the Council website. Certain cookies are used to obtain aggregated statistics about website visits to help ...
This website is the official website of the Council of the EU and the European Council. It is managed by the General Secretariat of the Council, the body of staff responsible for assisting the Council ...
Le Semestre européen suit un calendrier précis, selon lequel les États membres soumettent leurs programmes d'action et reçoivent des orientations et des recommandations formulées au niveau de l'UE.
Is-Semestru Ewropew għandu skeda ta' żmien ċara li tiddetermina meta l-istati membri jippreżentaw il-pjanijiet ta' politika tagħhom u jirċievu gwida u rakkomandazzjonijiet fil-livell tal-UE.
Evropski semester se vsako jesen začne s predstavitvijo prednostnih nalog Komisije. Konča se oktobra naslednjega leta, ko države članice evrskega območja predložijo svoje proračunske načrte. Letni ...
A UE está a trabalhar para desenvolver ainda mais os seus mercados financeiros e de capitais, a fim de satisfazer as suas ...
A mai napon hatályba lép az EU és tagállamai, valamint Japán közötti legelső kétoldalú keretmegállapodás, a stratégiai ...
Vi använder kakor så att rådets webbplats ska fundera så bra som möjligt för dig. Vissa kakor används för att samla in ...