Donald Trump has made it his rallying cry: wokeness, this “tyranny of minorities” he seems determined to curb through his ...
HTS now faces the challenge of including all the components in the new Syria without distinctions between men and women, language and religion.
To fully understand Hamas' identity it is essential to examine its nationalist roots and its historical ties to the Muslim Brotherhood ...
If the West is going to survive as a semi-concrete entity and not either be subsumed into an amorphous global neoliberal blob ...
Israel long considered Marine Le Pen's Rassemblement National untouchable. But party chairman Jordan Bardella has been ...
Unless Kashmir rises from its cloistered and violent baggage of Islamism and embraces modernity, all the splendid roads, tunnels, and railway bridges being built now will not lead it to a peaceful and ...
Terrorism and antisemitic violence mean many Europeans, including many Jews, are “more concerned about their personal security than about freedoms and democracy.” ...
And the answer is that all of these institutions have been infiltrated by people who are beholden to the ideology of Islamism ...
How Kids’ Prayers Melted the Hearts of KidnappersBy Douglas Burton(Washington) “The day they came to my house, my wife was away visiting her mother’s village, so the terrorists could no ...
I have long struggled to understand how intelligent, well-educated liberals fail to recognize the unique dangers posed by Islamism. Elsewhere, I’ve argued that such people often don’t grasp ...
In February 2025, federal authorities arrested Mansuri Manuchekhri, a Tajik national residing in Brooklyn, on charges of conspiring to provide material support to ISIS. Manuchekhri entered the ...
Deepti Mahajan, the Director of the Coalition for Hindu Girls Abducted and Their Rights, and a successful businesswoman, has just bravely written a Complaint which she will submit to the UN Human ...