“No law shall prohibit, penalize, delay, or restrict abortion before viability or when necessary to protect the patient’s ...
When the casino giant Las Vegas Sands started collecting signatures to change the Florida Constitution two years ago, the ...
The details of th Association of Broadcasters' sponsorship of a controversial anti-abortion campaign is a closely held secret ...
The State of Florida has sent a letter to all doctors, with a bold statement: "A miscarriage is not an abortion." ...
The Florida state health care regulator has campaigned against it, which DeSantis defends as informing the public.
This November, voters will have the chance to keep the 6-week abortion ban enacted this year in Florida or expand it to 23-24 ...
Democratic members of Congress from Florida have called for a Department of Justice investigation. DeSantis and his staff ...
An administrative law judge said an Orlando physician should face a $10,000 fine and a reprimand after she did not comply in ...
State residents collected enough signatures to put an amendment guaranteeing the right to terminate pregnancy on the November ...
Two Florida ballot measures on abortion and recreational marijuana are turning the state’s elections upside down, worrying ...
Earlier this month, the Florida Agency for Health Care Administration launched a website purporting to offer “transparency” about Florida’s abortion laws.
DeSantis is not going to hold his friends accountable to any standards,” said Democratic state Rep. Anna Eskamani.