More than three million years after her death, the early human ancestor known as Lucy is still divulging her secrets. In 2016, an autopsy indicated that the female Australopithecus afarensis, whose ...
Rivers began pumping weathered material into the sea about a billion years after Earth formed, suggesting continents may have gotten an early start.
Researchers have found the oldest known evidence of lead pollution dating to around 5,200 years ago in ancient Greece.
The rise of pastoralist peoples in the Eurasian steppes and their westward spread some 5,000 years ago may have been fuelled ...
Ella Egberts (VUB) traveled to Iraq in November and December as part of a pilot project to search for archaeological surface ...
The past few years have seen record-breaking tourism to Greece, a red hot travel destination that is about to get even hotter ...
Telmessos was an ancient city in the region of Lycia, located along the southwestern coast of Anatolia, now modern-day ...
Archaeologists have uncovered a rare ancient Roman artifact that has revealed previously unknown places lost to time. The ...
Archaeologists uncover Urartu Kingdom houses, a cremation cemetery, and evidence of an earthquake at Davti Blur in Armenia.
The lentil-shaped objects were unearthed in Hadrianopolis, an ancient city in modern-day Turkey, that once hosted a Roman ...
New research indicates that hominins appeared in Europe earlier than previously thought, changing the current understanding ...
With an array of idyllic beaches, high-octane cities and incredible natural sites like the Pamukkale Lake and the fairy ...