"Unstoppable" tells the story of Anthony Robles, a boy born with only one leg who goes on to become an NCAA wrestling champion.
How can he be so monstrous and brutal on the mat, but so kind and protective off the mat?” That’s one of the central tensions ...
The Predator was first unleashed in 1987 and quickly became one of cinema’s most iconic villains. After handily taking out ...
Rogue: The Savage Land #1 gives some much-deeded detail to an oddly ill-defined time in the history of the X-Men comics.
The Savage Land #1 ahead of its debut in comic book stores this Wednesday and it shows the fan-favourite X-Men hero stranded ...
While crime movies have always been an attraction in Hollywood, heist movies began to feel like its own thing with the ...
“I saw The Jungle Book with my grandmother and I was given the album of the movie. This was my favourite song. But I loved ...
Sometimes, when the open road isn’t quite available, the best way to explore the USA is through your imagination. The ...
What Is Emilia Perez About? Emilia Pérez follows the journey of widely feared cartel lord Juan “Manitas” Del Monte who becomes a woman named Emilia Pérez by enlisting the help of an ...
Lucky for you, it actually is my full-time job to keep track of everything coming from the MCU, so I've got you covered. Below we'll get into every movie and TV show coming from Marvel that ...
Yep, we're already thinking about 2025 movies. Time may be moving faster than we'd like, but there'll always be the cinema for pressing pause for a couple of hours, putting the phone on airplane ...