La région échappera encore aux grisailles ce dimanche. Sous l’anticyclone, les brouillards ou nuages bas resteront assez ...
Le gouvernement compte sur la commission mixte paritaire qui s’ouvre jeudi pour maintenir son budget d’austérité. Deux mois ...
Voilà qu'en plein exercice, François Bayrou la perd, s'emmêle dans ses feuillets, plaide avec coquetterie son statut de néophyte, improvise, retombe sur ses pieds. L'a-t-il seulement lue ...
François Bayrou a lancé vendredi la concertation sur la réforme des retraites, dont les modalités suscitent déjà des débats. Les syndicats de salariés ont redit la nécessité d'abroger le ...
PARIS - French Prime Minister Francois Bayrou passed the first test of his new minority government on Jan 16 as he survived a vote of no-confidence called by the hard left after the centre-left ...
French Prime Minister Francois Bayrou faces his first vote of no confidence in parliament Thursday, with the motion unlikely to pass. The challenge in the National Assembly comes after Bayrou's ...
French Prime Minister Francois Bayrou faces his first vote of no confidence in parliament Thursday, with the motion unlikely to pass. The speech sparked condemnation from most of the opposition in ...
Le Premier ministre français récemment nommé, François Bayrou, a survécu de manière inattendue à un vote de défiance à l'Assemblée nationale, les députés socialistes et d'extrême ...
French Prime Minister François Bayrou on Thursday survived his first vote of no confidence in parliament after the motion, brought by the leftist opposition, failed to gain traction on the far right.
Bayrou was appointed prime minister on Dec. 13. Opposition parties, particularly LFI, vowed to submit no-confidence motions against Bayrou's government from the very beginning. Bayrou’s ...
Recently appointed French Prime Minister François Bayrou survived a no-confidence vote in the National Assembly after Socialist and far-right MPs decided to not support a motion filed by the hard ...