Sony has launched a scheme to repair and rehome old Aibo robot dogs. Available in Japan, the Aibo Foster Parent Program is designed to enable owners of ageing plastic pets to donate them for ...
Sony announced that it will be re-leasing the Aibo robot dog in the US. The Aibo was initially released in 1999, and discontinued in 2006. This is an updated model of the robot dog companion ...
Japanese electronics maker Sony released the first version of AIBO in 1999. The robot dog used AI to learn and grow, following its owner around and wagging its tail. It initially proved a hit ...
The AIBO token was named after Sony’s robotic dog, while TORO used the Toro Inoue gaming character, both copyrighted. While AIBO tokens have been created freely on, Soneium refused to ...
reacting to words of praise or scratches on the head Sony on Thursday announced that its Aibo robotic dogs infused with artificial intelligence will be unleashed on the US market by the year-end ...
AIBO, the adorable Sony robot dog, was discontinued in 2006. But they inspired enough love in their owners to try and have them repaired, and when they could not be, to hold funerals for them.
Sony launched a robot dog called Aibo more than two decades ago. It sold about 150,000 units from 1999 until 2006 and then unveiled an advanced version in 2018, selling about 20,000 units in the ...