The Seattle City Council passed a bill Tuesday allowing police officers — in limited cases — to use weapons like tear gas, ...
The rules around how Seattle police can control crowds with less leathal weapons like blast balls, tear gas and pepper spray hinge on a final vote by city counc ...
Three graffiti taggers were arrested after allegedly shooting at a driver on the Dearborn exit ramp from northbound I-5 last week - and two of them have been re ...
Rumors and fears have circulated about U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement presence. But posting unconfirmed information can cause harm.
The Seattle City Council is set to approve new rules for how the Seattle Police Department can use crowd control weapons. CHS reported here on the legislation needed to replace SPD’s crowd control ...
Washington lawmakers on Monday heard a bill aimed at improving traffic safety and reducing racial profiling by restricting reasons for law enforcement to pull over motorists. House Bill 1512, ...