The South Florida representative wants to declare two new state birds instead: The American Flamingo and the scrub-jay.
The Florida Scrub-Jay, Florida’s only unique bird species ... also threatens to de-couple seasonal food sources from the FSJ nesting season and harm the birds with heat stress.
Many animals store food in preparation for winter or just to be eaten later. Bears and wolves are among those that stash prey ...
Jay, Florida’s only unique bird species, continues to wait its turn but, year after year, its chances die on the Senate floor.
A state representative wants to replace Florida's state bird, despite his last attempt to replace it failing less than one year ago.
What’s happening 87th Florida Railfair and Model Train Show and Sale: Vendors will display items for both the “modeler” and “rail buff” alike in the Tommy Lawrence Show Arena. The model railroader may ...
The St. Cloud Parks and Recreation Tree Advisory Committee’s annual “Don’t Curb It…S.W.A.P. It!” program is part of the city’s efforts to increase recycling awareness and enhance the urban forest.
Start between 8:30-9:15 a.m. Jan. 4, Beardall Senior Center, 800 S. Delaney Ave., Orlando, $4 per person, free for walkers ...
Some animals can remember where they’ve buried hundreds of thousands of seeds. Why can’t we remember where we’ve put our ...
“Bird feeders can help attract birds to your space during the winter when natural food sources might be buried beneath snow or limited in supply,” according to MI Birds. MI Birds suggests using tube ...