Healthy forests, healthy planet, healthy people—protecting nature protects us all. March 21, 2025 – (Rwanda) Today, on ...
"Hopefully we’ll get a daytime shot of the same critter soon." Experts ask public for input after trail camera captures ...
"Unofficial" trails were damaging rare ecosystems in Swallow Cliff Woods. The forest preserve district asked people to stick ...
A dead dolphin was found on a riverbank in Belgium miles from the ocean in what officials labeled “a rare appearance.” Kobe Vercruyssen stumbled upon the creature’s remains along the rocky shores of ...
The world celebrates International Day of Forests on Friday, but President Trump aims to expand American logging and roll ...
A community of rare fish enthusiasts collects endangered species of freshwater fish from lakes and springs around the world, ...
The Baka people of Bemba village, Cameroon, show how sharing is a viable forest management and conservation technique.
During the Holi festival, the Rajasthan Forest Department captured the first-ever photo of a caracal at Mukundra Hills Tiger ...
Two rare black wolves were caught on camera crossing a stream in a Polish forest, stirring hope for wildlife diversity.
Iridescent sweat bees, hairy-faced mining bees, tiny Perdita minima the size of a gnat. Thanks to swarms of apiary ...
O ne-horned rhinoceroses are the subject of a new study of the differences in appearance, behavior, and evolutionary history ...
Recorded at 45% higher than before Australia's drought-wildfire combo of 2019, it was described as "nothing short of ...