Chiranjeevi celebrated his mother Anjana Devi’s birthday recently. The veteran actor penned a sweet note for his mother and later Ram Charan, his wife Upasana Konidela joined in for celebration. Along ...
"Welcome to Ginger Cat, a place for animal lovers who care about their well-being. Catch us on Paws & Claws as we work to make caring about animals a viral cause." ...
Ram Charan's wife Upasana Kamineni's latest Instagram entry is all about a father-daughter bond. Yes, we are talking about Klin Kaara. In the video, the little munchkin's adorable reaction to ...
Affectionately known as the “leaf sheep” or the “Shaun-the-sheep slug,” this little animal-plant hybrid is a unique specimen, indeed. At first glance, this tiny sea slug—measuring just a ...
RAMANATHAPURAM: Despite flagging the menace of animal intrusion during the grievance redressal meetings every month, the issue continues to remain unresolved in Thiruvadanai and Paramakudi ...
He’s a fine actor… But I will look at his face, and he should look like Ram. He’s just done Animal, and his negative personality was highlighted in that movie. I hope that doesn’t disturb this…" ...
An animal charity that helps people with disabilities has hit out after its site was broken into and vandalised. North Ferriby Riding for the Disabled said it was "absolutely horrified" to find ...