DEAR PEOPLE’S PHARMACY: Our 16-year-old son has been on venlafaxine for six months for depression. Now the doctor wants to ...
Topical steroids help treat various skin conditions and associated symptoms, such as swelling or redness, by reducing inflammation through several mechanisms; these include blocking chemical reactions ...
Many eye ointments can help manage and treat symptoms of eye conditions like styes, pink eye, and other infections. When using eye ointments, it’s important to follow the directions. Eye ...
Dermatitis. 2008;19(4):181-189. In contrast to the case of closed wounds, the bacterial colonization of open wounds and the efficacy of topical antimicrobial agents in such situations as they ...
When milk stasis is left unresolved, the mother has an increased risk for developing infectious mastitis. If she already has infectious mastitis her risk of getting an abscess is increased, and if ...
Explore the benefits and risks of using Neosporin on dogs for minor cuts and scrapes. Find out if Neosporin is safe for dogs and discover alternatives. The post Can You Put Neosporin On A Dog?