Fragments of the left side of the skull of a human relative have been discovered in Spain, revealing the face of the oldest ...
The pliosaur was a carnivorous reptilian apex predator that roamed and ruled the seas for millions of years during the ...
A study on two 4,000-year-old skulls has unveiled that ancient Egyptians made attempts to address excessive tissue growth or gain insights into cancerous disorders following a patient's death.
Tools that measure age based on uranium decay suggested that even though the two skulls were found side by side, Apidima 1 was about 40,000 years older than the 170,000-year-old Apidima 2.
Scientists have discovered a nearly complete skull of a Hyaenodonta, a hypercarnivore that that lived during the Oligocene Epoch some 20 million years ago. Scientifically known as Bastetodon ...
Now a desert, a team of paletontologists were digging through 30 million-year old rock layers called the ... a nearly complete skull of an ancient apex carnivore, a dream for any vertebrate ...