At Lifeway Christian Resources, the Southern Baptist publisher that prints the Christian Standard Bible (CSB), along with the ...
The study, called “To Live And Thrive In Massachusetts” Native American Perspectives on Wealth, highlights the glaring lack of wealth data surrounding the Native American population in ...
In a perfect world, students would use the best study methods that research has to offer—strategies like self-quizzing, spaced practice, and retrieval techniques that are proven to lead to deeper ...
Morning coffee drinkers had lower risk of early death compared to non-drinkers. Drinking coffee only in the morning may help people live longer compared to drinking the beverage throughout the day ...
The average motorist traversing Boston spent 79 hours stuck in traffic in 2024, according to an annual study from INRIX, a transportation analytics company. In 2023, that average driver lost 88 hours.
Elevated prenatal exposure to fluoride was associated with increased risk of neurobehavioral problems in 3-year-olds, according to a study of children in Los Angeles. The JAMA Pediatrics report is ...
To bridge the gap, in this paper, we initiate an early exploratory study of the risk assessment of LLMs from the lens of uncertainty. In particular, we conduct a large-scale study with as many as ...