A team at the University of Bergen in Norway have determined that a minimum of 1.1% of medieval manuscripts from around 800 ...
From chainmail to corsets: "Medieval Core" brings magic and escapism to the fashion world. Here's how to integrate the trend ...
From backyard beginnings to Nashville Municipal Auditorium, read about the growing prominence of Armored MMA fighting.
Armored MMA has taken the combat sports world by storm, attracting a massive fan base within just a few short years. With its ...
A new kind of kingdom needed a new kind of queen. The millennium-old and largely forgotten Mathilda of Flanders is being ...
New research suggests that women were the scribes of at least 1.1 percent of manuscripts in the Latin West between 400 and ...
Marvel has never been concerned with historical accuracy. With gods, aliens, mutants, and monsters deeply woven into its ...