Hosted by the Medieval Institute at Western Michigan University, the International Congress on Medieval Studies is an annual gathering of thousands of scholars interested in medieval studies. The ...
You're moving on up, Capricorn. The more you stick around and do the work you need to do, the greater your trajectory to the top. You're going at a pace that's natural to you, and your results ...
What's your go-to emotion? Is it laughter, sadness or anger? Today, tune in with your feelings and your need to be there for others. However you express yourself the best, aim to do more of it ...
Currently, it seems you are on the cusp of a positive shift regarding your financial situation. Expect potential increases in wealth, possibly through unexpected channels like gifts or other forms ...
Your inner rebel wants to make itself known. Have a message for the public? Put your authenticity on display. You’re likely to catch people off guard while the moon activates Uranus. What you ...