More than 8,000 continental islands sit just off the coast of Australia, many of them uninhabited and unspoiled. For ...
The Marshall Islands welcomed the Rainbow Warrior, Greenpeace's flagship vessel, for a six-week research expedition focused on nuclear radiation. The vessel's return to the Micronesian nation on ...
A guitar-shaped shark, a fan-like coral and a venomous deep ... expedition to the South Sandwich Islands in the southern Atlantic Ocean. “And for the species that have been discovered ...
Coral reefs are some of the world's most diverse ecosystems. Despite making up less than 1% of the world's oceans, one quarter of all marine species spend some portion of their life on a reef.
A new soft coral species has been discovered near the Alabama coast, scientists said. This is the first of the family to be found in the region. Courtesy Andrea Quattrini A new small sea creature ...
Authorities on Monday suspended the search for a Marshall Islands sea ambulance and its crew of four, missing since March 3, according to the U.S. Coast Guard. “We stand with the families and ...
MR. MURRAY's concise explanation of the formation of coral reefs and islands presents advantages in more than one respect. It demands no a priori assumptions, but begins and ends with that which ...