The non-PC purse items in the collection, meanwhile, were designed with "loads of extra pockets to hold the rest of a gamer's ...
Hackers can exploit a flaw in Apple CPUs to steal your private data through your browser. Find out how this attack works and ...
The Peo­ple’s Na­tion­al Move­ment (PNM) be­gan hit­ting the gen­er­al elec­tion ground with walk­a­bouts yes­ter­day in To­co/San­gre Grande, and will be go­ing from con­stituen­cy to con­stituen­cy, ...
Google Chrome's privacy risks worsen as AI-powered extensions collect sensitive data, exposing millions to security threats.
Two men and 12 women were ar­rest­ed when of­fi­cers from the Port-of-Spain Di­vi­sion raid­ed a house be­lieved to be part of a sex traf­fick­ing ring in Ch­agua­nas ear­ly Tues­day morn­ing.
Google has confirmed yet another security update, the third in as many weeks, for Chrome users on Linux, Mac and Windows—here’s what you need to know.
Microsoft is rolling out its new Edge scareware blocker to users to who participate in the preview program, bringing a new ...
Ten thousand WordPress websites were being used to deliver infostealing malware to victims running both Windows and macOS ...
US district court dismissed Deque’s lawsuit against BrowserStack over accessibility testing, citing insufficient evidence.
The term Web Client Runtime Security (WCRS) was coined by the authors to highlight the security or possible malicious behavior of the code executed in users' browsers during their web interactions.
Scientists at Washington University School of Medicine have unveiled what they call an "exercise pill," a drug that mimics ...
The dashboard enables businesses to secure vulnerable third-party web scripts and demonstrate website compliance ahead of the ...