Hudson Meek, the young actor who appeared in Baby Driver and CBS’s MacGyver reboot, has died. He was 16. Meek was pronounced ...
Two decades after the 2004 tsunami devastated coastal regions around Asia, Tamara Davison travels to one of the areas that ...
In minutes, the calm of a Boxing Day morning was ripped apart, the couple and their baby daughter swept away when their house ...
As a highly-skilled forensic investigation expert, Peter Baines has encountered more death than anyone could ever fathom. After the devastating Bali bombings back in 2002, he was sent over to the ...
We walked around thinking there might be dead bodies ... tsunami that killed more than 225,000 people in a dozen countries worldwide. In Thailand, more than 5,000 people were killed by the Boxing ...
We miss them and we still don't know where they are,' said an Indonesian man who lost two of his children in the disaster ...
A survivor of the 2004 Boxing Day tsunami has recalled the moment he was awoken by ... boats in places they shouldn’t ...
On Boxing Day in 2004, a young Australian was having the ... She recalls being confronted by the total carnage of dead bodies, destroyed property and washed up boats as far as the eye could ...
Dr Mahesh Gunasekara was working as director of the 200-bed Kanthale Hospital and looking forward to starting a new job with ...