Quantum computing has moved from theoretical concept to business reality, with corporations already implementing solutions ...
Quantum researchers have long believed that strong spin interactions in qubits required covalent bonds, making large-scale ...
Quantum computers have the potential of outperforming classical computers on some optimization and computational tasks.
A search for particles’ most paradoxical quantum states led researchers to construct a 37-dimensional experiment ...
An article published in the journal Optica describes the development of a new experimental device that explores the boundary ...
An algorithm inspired by quantum computers but used on classical machines can make weather forecasts and other turbulence ...
The creators of Dark got the idea of introducing quantum physics into the series after reading a children's book on it.
The famous second law of thermodynamics says that the world gets more and more disordered when random chance is at play. Or, ...
Philip Ball looks at how a little-known paper by Niels Bohr demonstrates the turmoil in physics on the brink of quantum ...
The image of M87*, the supermassive black hole at the center of massive elliptical galaxy M87, changed the world. It was the ...
With many graduates successfully pursuing careers in engineering, energy solutions, and research institutions, the question ...
Quantum physics will be 100 years old in 2025. In order to appreciate progress in quantum physics, we must not get caught up ...