Is it possible to understand the universe without understanding the largest structures that reside in it? In principle, not ...
Unexpected epochs of stillness that punctuate the cosmic timeline could offer a natural explanation for dark matter and many ...
Astronomers have been confounded by recent evidence that the universe expanded at different rates throughout its life. New findings risk turning the tension into a crisis, scientists say.
these objects represented some of the earliest light ever glimpsed by humanity—originating from between 600 million and 1.5 billion years after the Big Bang. There was just one problem ...
"The Hubble tension is now a Hubble crisis." The mystery of the Hubble tension has deepened with the startling finding that the Coma Cluster of galaxies is 38 million light-years closer than it should ...
After decades of study, scientists sound genuinely optimistic about the possibility of detecting primordial black holes, which might explain dark matter.