Albert Einstein is seen arriving in New York in this photo. Bettmann Archive On the eve of Einstein's birthday, March 14, Padilla called for help from art preservation experts to assist relocating the ...
A great way to spread awareness about the day itself, as well as environmental conservation, is to share powerful Earth ...
A 22-year-old man was shot in the chest and head. He was taken to Albert Einstein Medical Center, where he was pronounced dead. His name has not yet been released, pending family notification.
An annual celebration of the mathematical constant pi — known as Pi Day — originated in the Bay Area in the late ’80s, when Exploratorium staff physicist, tinkerer and media specialist Larry Shaw ...
World-renowned physicist Albert Einstein. Credit: Public Domain, via Wikimedia Commons To test this theory, researchers examined how black hole collisions might have influenced the cosmic microwave ...
Between the blue-chip centres of Los Angeles and New York, Chicago has established its own fertile ground for a dynamic, less commercially driven art scene. A new exhibition at The Stanley & Audrey ...
A compelling new exhibition by Monegasque artist Michel Aubéry, about the fragile beauty of coral reefs, was launched on Monday evening at the Club des Résidents Étrangers de Monaco (CREM – Monaco ...
Albert Einstein’s great grandson helps solve crimes in the CBS pilot Einstein filming in Toronto. Lew Einstein (Matthew Gray Gubler), the brilliant but directionless great grandson of Albert Einstein ...
Albert Einstein, in 1905, presented the revolutionary idea of light quanta of energy which equals ħw, where ħ is reduced Planck's constant. There is plenty of experimental evidence on magnetic ...
By modifying Einstein's theory of general relativity, the center of a black hole with infinite curvature could be replaced by a highly curved but regular region of space-time, the researchers ...
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A ubiquitous presence in New York’s art world, he also existed outside it, using 19th-century techniques to create ethereal, haunting images. By Clay Risen Hal Hirshorn, an artist known for his ...