The week begins with doo-wop (in fact the final go-round of the epic “Rock ‘N’ Doo-Wop” series hosted by Bowzer) and ends with Grateful Dead covers by Connecticut’s own Mystic Dead. In between are a ...
Manfred Mann star Paul Jones turned down Brian Jones's offer to join the fledgling Rolling Stones, toured with The Who and ...
Music legend Micky Dolenz is getting sentimental on his new “songs and stories” tour and with it he’s bringing his long history in rock and roll to Arizona – where he also has plenty of history.
Michael Bloomfield's Telecaster — which outraged Pete Seeger during Bob Dylan's set at the 1965 Newport Folk festival — is on sale.
Among his most prized possessions was a car that perfectly captured the spirit of freedom and rebellion a 1965 Ford Mustang.