The snail darter is not a thing. It was just a common perch, say scientists. Fraud or bad science? From David Mastio: ...
WASHINGTON— In response to a petition from the Center for Biological Diversity, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service today announced final rules restricting the importation of salamanders for the pet ...
The Texas Land Office has sued the federal government over the species' endangered status, saying it threatened "state sovereignty" and property rights.
One of Otto Widmann’s main contributions to North American Ornithology was the discovery in Missouri of the first known nest ...
The decision came despite mounting threats to the warbler’s habitat from both land development and climate change.
The prevalence of CWD is around 5% in DPAs 647 and 648 in Fillmore County, meaning it could triple within the next few years ...
ICYMI: Ashley’s first Bad Apples column of the year has the Seattle Police Department firing the fast-driving officer who hit ...
Bald eagles were nearly eliminated from much of their native range by the 1960s, but have rebounded. Now, they've been ...
I love sharing nature with people, because most people don't take the time to get up close with nature and enjoy it. I love ...
The Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources (DWR) was recently awarded $1 million as part of a National Coastal Wetland ...
Beaver-inspired structures could limit flooding and benefit wildlife habitat, but the state permitting is arduous.
At least four snowy owls have been spotted in recent weeks at Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport (MSP), with photos of them going viral on social media ...