In Simu-A village, 86 households that once struggled with poverty, unemployment, and gender inequality, received a Shs29m ...
Dr Lawrence Muganga, the Vice chancellor Victoria University said that the university is establishing an Artificial ...
“The groups claiming to be humanitarians are the one benefiting from refugee law because their survival is when Africans are ...
What Cristiana Barsony-Arcidiacono, 49, the Italian-Hungarian CEO and owner of Hungary-based BAC Consulting, says she hasn't ...
Yoweri Museveni is the flag bearer in all elections in which the party participates until he decides not to do so ...
Dubbed ‘Obuntubulamu,’ the values-based programme will be implemented by the cultural institutions of Acholi, Alur, Buganda, ...
There is good reason to believe that Kabalagala would not be known as Kampala’s top hangout neighbourhood if it was not for ...
It should be the body trusted with registration of all coffee farms and ensuring that natural forests are protected and that ...
Pests and diseases kill crops and livestock and they are a constant worry to the farmers. Illnesses such as foot and mouth ...
In creating a value chain for honey, Mahad Kiggundu uses the honey residue as a sweetener in baking cookies which he mixes ...
Collectors are a rare species for the local art scene; they are the reason some seasons are good or bad to have an exhibition ...
Dragon fruit offers a combination of health benefits, economic potential, sustainability, culinary versatility and aesthetic ...