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How we worship God and what we say in our worship necessarily shapes our beliefs about God, just as what we believe about God ...
Baptism, like its old covenant counterpart, circumcision, is a sign and seal of the covenant of grace (Rom. 4:11), pointing ...
NATHAN W. BINGHAM: This week on the Ask Ligonier podcast we are joined by Dr. Burk Parsons. He serves as Ligonier's Chief Editorial Officer and is also the senior pastor at Saint Andrew's Chapel in ...
It is vitally important for Christians to consider the issue of conscience. In the classical view, the conscience thought to ...
The Reformed church has always emphasized the importance of preaching. It is preaching that God most ordinarily uses to save ...
Christians see God’s glory as their ultimate aim, and they see productivity as a set of skills to maximize their effectiveness in reaching that end.
Tamil is the official language of the Tamil Nadu state in India and is a national language of Sri Lanka and Singapore. Large ...