A team from the Lansing High School Architecture, Construction and Engineering Mentor Program recently received the Design ...
John Richmeier/Leavenworth Times The Leavenworth superintendent says the school district is one of the smallest in the state ...
Fourteen years ago, I celebrated the last Christmas of my old life.I didn’t know it at the time, didn’t understand that my ...
Residents of the city Leavenworth can discard their Christmas trees at the city's Brush Site at no charge, according to the city's website.
A Linwood man was taken to the hospital for what were believed to be minor injuries following a crash in southern Leavenworth County, according to a Kansas Highway Patrol online report.
Officials in High Prairie Township plan to move forward with launching a fire department for their township, according to information posted on social media.
Staff report Knights of Lights, the Kansas City Renaissance Festival’s annual holiday extravaganza, is lighting up the season ...
My mom called just before dinner on a recent Sunday despite my visit the day before. That meant she likely had an emergent ...
To the editor:My mom was born in 1932, making her 92 ½ years old. She is in hospice at her memory care unit, and spends… ...
Connie Parish Special to the Times A former Lansing council member, Marcus Majure, told the council recently he appreciated their work on fire services.A resident… ...
County commissioners have approved a roof replacement at the Leavenworth County Courthouse to address problems that have ...