Tangible examples of the impact of climate change are getting our attention more and more: from tornadoes in locations where ...
Shifting geopolitical winds are disrupting patterns of international trade. Increasingly strained relations between China and the West, Russian aggression, and the supply-chain disruptions of the ...
Join the Institute for Research on Public Policy (IRPP) and the Affordability Action Council (AAC) on Monday, October 21 in Toronto or online for a panel discussion about affordable, future-ready ...
Inu Manak est fellow en politique commerciale au Council on Foreign Relations à Washington, D.C., où elle recherche et écrit sur la politique commerciale américaine et sur les règles et les politiques ...
Peu importe qui gagnera le 5 novembre prochain, la politique commerciale des États-Unis sera pour l’avenir prévisible définie par un consensus bipartisan en faveur du protectionnisme. Une présidence ...
Regardless of who wins on November 5 th, U.S. trade policy for the foreseeable future will be defined by a bipartisan consensus toward protectionism. A Kamala Harris presidency would certainly provide ...