The term "hemophiliacs," columnist Joe MacDonald argues, is a limiting way to describe his two sons with bleeding disorders.
An advisory committee has recommended approval in the European Union of marstacimab for severe hemophilia A or B patients without inhibitors.
Having a COVID-19 infection had no significant impact on bleeding episodes or treatment for hemophilia patients, a study from ...
Columnist Alliah Czarielle's husband, Jared, offers tips to parents of a child with hemophilia based on his own life experience.
Obizur was effective and safe in treating severe bleeding episodes in Japanese patients with acquired hemophilia A, per a ...
Nearly two-thirds of men with moderate or severe hemophilia A have joint problems that cause pain and reduce their quality of ...
Columnist Jennifer Lynne honors the legacy of ballerina Michaela DePrince and her incredible family, which had a link to hemophilia.
Columnist Alliah Czarielle feels torn between work burnout and financial well-being, which is especially important with hemophilia.