Unmasking hereditary haemorrhagic telangiectasia: the crucial role of physical examination in diagnosing recurrent nosebleeds (19 January, 2025) ...
We present a male patient in his early 70s with a cyclical 20-year history of a nodular papule affecting the left forefoot. On examination, ginger red-coloured hairs were evident within the sinus ...
Craniorachischisis totalis (anencephaly with total open spina bifida) is the most severe form of neural tube defects. The exact aetiology of neural tube defects remains poorly understood. We report a ...
Thiamine is an important coenzyme, which is essential for metabolism and maintaining cellular osmotic gradient. Thiamine deficiency can cause focal lactic acidosis, alteration of the blood–brain ...
Complications of stroke can include neuropsychiatric symptoms. However, post-stroke psychosis is rare. We report a case where an acute presentation of psychosis, depression and fluctuating cognitive ...
Heat stroke is characterised by hyperthermia and acute encephalopathy. We describe a rare case of classical heat stroke secondary to prolonged sauna use with multiorgan sequelae including seizures, ...
A 17-year-old man was admitted to Accident & Emergency out of hours with unilateral tonsillar enlargement covering more than 75% of his oropharyngeal inlet. He appeared calm and stable on initial ...
An elderly woman with metastatic breast cancer was admitted with hyperglycaemic hyperosmolar state (HHS) and an elevated haemoglobin A1C. For 1 week, she had experienced confusion, nausea and frequent ...
Solitary fibrous tumours (SFTs) are rare soft tissue masses that are often clinically silent until they cause mass effect. A paraneoplastic syndrome manifesting as persistent hypoglycaemia, termed ...
A 58-year-old female with known type 2 diabetes mellitus continued to take her usual medications, including metformin, an ACE inhibitor and a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug, while suffering from ...
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Digital swelling is a common presentation in clinical practice. Patients presenting with swollen fingers to the emergency department will often have rings on their finger, which can be removed using a ...