Scarlett Pavlovich, a former babysitter for Neil Gaiman and Amanda Palmer, is among the many women who have levied s*xual a**ault allegations against author Neil Gaiman.
One of the allegations came from Scarlett Pavlovich, a former nanny who worked for Neil Gaiman and ex-wife Amanda Palmer. She babysat the couple's five-year-old son. Scarlett Pavlovich first met ...
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British fantasy author Neil Gaiman reportedly paid $9200 in nine installments to Scarlett Pavlovich, his son's babysitter, after the latter accused him of s*xual assault. The new allegations have ...
While waiting for the child to finish a play date, he allegedly suggested Scarlett use the claw-foot tub in the garden while ...
Accusations that the prominent author Neil Gaiman forced women into painful and unwanted sex were a harrowing read in this ...
British fantasy author Neil Gaiman reportedly paid $9200 in nine installments to Scarlett Pavlovich, his son's babysitter, after the latter accused him of s*xual assault. The new allegations have come ...
Dark Horse Comics has dropped Neil Gaiman in response to allegations of sexual abuse against the writer and will no longer ...
Gaiman’s estranged-wife Amanda Palmer also features in the article: Scarlett Pavlovich, a 22-year-old woman in dire financial straits, recounts instigating a friendship with Palmer, who then ...
Author Neil Gaiman denied allegations of sexual assault and abuse made by multiple women and reported in a New York Magazine ...