What a week it’s been in politics. In just five days, a new president was inaugurated in the US, world leaders met in Davos, ...
Nearly one in eight highway authorities will not consider filling a pothole unless it is at least 12 inches wide, analysis ...
Bengaluru: A couple of potholes and uneven surfaces have appeared on South India's first double-decker flyover in Bengaluru, ...
Perthshire MSP describes number as "astonishing" and the matter as one of the most common sources of constituents’ complaints ...
We're deep into the time of year when potholes begin popping up everywhere and while you can't keep them from happening, you can protect your car from them. KDKA's Barry Pintar is here with the tips ...
Austin potholes are prevalent this season, stressing infrastructure needs and the importance of TxDOT's prevention and repair ...
While we enjoy so many benefits from living in the beautiful North Country, one of the downfalls is that every winter we have to deal with potholes in our roads.
Neighbors on Timbergate Drive questioned why city crews were filling potholes during near-freezing temperatures.
A social media storm erupted this week when residents of the City of Mbombela and its surrounds decided enough is enough.
Hertfordshire County Council, controlled by the Tories, is the worst offender as will not consider a road defect for repair until it is at least 300mm wide and 50mm deep ...
Over 30% of Arizona's population struggles to find a meal every day, three times a day. Fortunately, there is help. Here's ...
We're in the time of year when potholes pop up just about everywhere on the road, but there are plenty of ways to avoid damage to your car.