My Hero Academia plunges you into a world where humans have evolved to possess superpowers known as Quirks. Society begins to change as a result, with Pro-Heroes and Hero Schools cropping up in a bid ...
It turns out there are lots of supervillains, criminals, and minions in My Hero Academia. Here's what we could find.
Balancing quality over quantity while combating worker crunch will pose challenges for the animation industry in 2025.
Roronoa Zoro has had more than a few battles in recent One Piece history to sharpen his blades. During the Wano Arc, Zoro fought against Kaido and his Beast Pirates but it was during the Future Island ...
No other anime series is remotely comparable to Vinland Saga as it delivers a very hard-hitting message through its such an ...
That's all for our live coverage of the war in Ukraine. We'll be back tomorrow with more updates. Here's a rundown of the key lines from today: Ukraine's military has said it was responsible for a ...
The Japan Food Product Overseas Promotion Center asked anime fans if watching anime got them eating Japanese food. Just over ...
Residents in Harrow are reminded of the revised bin collection dates for this week due to the New Year holidays. For those with a usual ...
Greek-American actor John Stamos marked his nameday on January 7, with a post reflecting on his Greek heritage and the influential people in his family bearing the same first name. "Today I celebrate ...