Pollen exposure is lasting longer and intensifying nationwide, data shows, as warmer temperatures take over more of the year.
Many ornamental trees are valued for their spring flowers or fall foliage, but they offer little aesthetic value during the winter. Not the river birch tree. The river birch’s beautiful bark ...
Discover the beauty of spring in Wisconsin as the author shares a journey of spring yard work, finding a party balloon, and ...
Are you starting to sneeze or wheeze? Here's how to know if you're experiencing seasonal allergies and ways to find relief.
Spring allergies are in full swing, with tree, grass and ragweed pollen all peaking at different times and pollen counts ...
If you’re noticing itchy eyes and a scratchy throat, you might be experiencing a return of seasonal allergies.
Grass pollen season may be near, but hay fever sufferers are advised to take caution as levels of tree pollen and fungal ...
This is because pollen can cling to your clothes, your skin and your hair when you’re outside, so be showering and changing, ...
EXCLUSIVE: People who are sensitive to the allergens are already being hit by runny noses, sneezing and itchy eyes as trees ...
The dry days in the winter months were spent clear-fell harvesting forestry. My ash plantation, like many others, had been ...
Experts share the regions that will see high levels of tree pollen as allergy sufferers are advised to take caution during ...