Sunny Deol and Bobby Deol, Vijeta Deol and Ajeeta Deol. However, despite all this, the Deol siblings have always been there for each other. “Esha is a hands-on mother of two (daughters Radhya and ...
Sunny Deol and Bobby Deol are the sons of Dharmendra and Prakash Kaur. The couple got married in 1953, before Dharmendra made ...
Apart from being an actor, he is the elder son to Dharmendra, a brother to Bobby Deol, Ajeita Deol and Vijeta Deol, and half-sibling to Esha Deol, Ahana Deol. He is a complete family man.
In a letter to the poll panel on Wednesday, she claimed that Investigating Officers (IOs) Jai Bhagwan and Sushil Sharma met AAP volunteers Vijeta, Rekha Bassi, and Deepa Deol and dictated statements ...