NEW YORK, 4 March 2025 - Armed men are raping and sexually assaulting children, including infants as young as one, amid the nationwide conflict rippling across Sudan.
The UN Children's Fund (UNICEF) and partners in the eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) are providing lifesaving ...
Des combattants soudanais ont violé des bébés d'à peine un an au cours de la guerre civile qui continue de déchirer le pays.
Les différentes parties prenantes du processus d’enregistrement des faits d’état civil de la commune de Marsassoum ont pris ...
Senegal’s government has signed an agreement with separatist rebels to bring peace in its southern region, where an armed ...
(APS) – Le tribunal des flagrants délits de Dakar a relaxé le chroniqueur Adama Fall qui comparaissait, ce mercredi, devant ...
Le tiktokeur sénégalo-italien le plus suivi au monde, Khaby Lame, a été nommé vendredi à Dakar ambassadeur de l'Unicef, à l'issue de quatre jours de visite au Sénégal, son pays natal ...
Onze fillettes âgées de cinq mois à cinq ans ont été collectivement excisées le 15 février dernier dans le sud du Sénégal, ...
DAKAR, Senegal—The UN children’s fund on Thursday accused armed men, likely on both sides of the conflict in eastern Congo, of raping scores of children over the past weeks as rebels expand their ...
The UN children’s fund on Thursday accused armed men, likely on both sides of the conflict in eastern Congo, of raping scores of children over the past weeks as rebels expand their footprint and push ...
DAKAR, Senegal — The U.N. children’s fund ... as the conflict in the mineral-rich region shows no signs of abating. UNICEF cited reports of the abuses, saying the offenders were apparently ...