Participants will be trained on safety considerations when pruning home or commercial orchards and will have the opportunity for hands-on practice.
The modified central leader technique is ideal for apple trees. Cut off upper branches that may meet the trunk at narrow ...
Espaliered fruit trees aren't only beautiful, they're functional. Providing food for humans and wildlife, this growing method ...
Extensive pruning is best done over a period of two to three years to lessen shock to the tree, with no more than one-third ...
High wind gusts are again leading to power outages across the Ozarks. Wind gusts have already exceeded 60 miles per hour for ...
While blossom might be short-lived, often lasting no more than a week or two, it is no less impressive and beautiful. In fact ...
Since retiring from professional basketball in 2019, Kendall has begun a landscaping business, Foodscape, that focuses on ...
Researchers have determined that bucks drop their antlers once the hormone levels wind down, usually as winter deepens. Some shed antlers as early as late November, as we have found them around ...
Antique cleavers, some dating back to the 1800s and coming from places like Romania and France, are stuck in logs from apple ...
Another good Extension resource is the publication “Training and Pruning Your Home Orchard” and the article “How to restore old fruit trees” has ... if your apple, pear or plum tree ...
Outdoor space and amenities: In addition to its private balcony, that can fit a table and chairs, the renters may access to ...
The panoramic film, directed by Steven Latham and Conrad Stanley, includes segments on mustang "makeovers," as well as the ...